Erzgebirge AUE vs Greuther Furth Soccer prediction

Erzgebirge AUE vs Greuther Furth Soccer Prediction

The last 5 results of Erzgebirge: 1 wins and 4 draws, 0-0 draw with union berlin, 1-1 draw with sv sandhausen, 2-1 won against kaiserslautern, 2-2 draw with holstein kiel and 0-0 draw with ingolstadt.

The last 5 results of Greuther Furth: 4 wins and 1 draw, 2-1 won to kaiserslautern, 0-2 won to nurnberg, 2-1 won to braunschweig, 1-1 draw with fortune dusseldorf and 1-0 won I win Dynamo Dresden.

The last 2 meetings between both teams: 2-1 won at Greuther Furth in October 2017 and 0-0 drew in February 2017.

The performance of Erzbebirge playing at home: 5 wins, 4 draws and 4 losses.

Erzgebirge AUE vs Greuther Furth Prediction

In this pick we have a data against, Greuther Furth is the worst visitor with 1 win, 4 draws and 8 losses. However, I opted for the double opportunity equalizer visit in favor of Greuther Furth because you can not pass over the good performance you have had in your last 5 matches, with 4 wins and 1 draw, scoring at least 1 goal in the matches. 5 games and only receiving 3 goals, against the regular performance of Erzgebirge with 1 win and 4 draws. To this I add that in his penultimate game of Greuther Furth he has obtained his first victory playing away with a 0-2 against Nurnberg, which is in the position 2 of the table and in his previous game of draw 0- 0 fortunately Dusseldorf, which is the leader in the table, which could say that they are the 2 best teams in the championship at the moment, and has won and tied with them over playing as a visitor. Let’s go for the double opportunity draw visit in favor of Greuther Furth!

Prediction Today: Double chance equalizer visit for Greuther Furth
Odds: 1.5